

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Empowering Parents

In all schools, but especially those without Mother Tongue teachers, parents have to be used as a resource and welcomed into the classroom if we are to truly embrace a culture promoting multilingualism. 
There are many examples of how this is already happening in our Primary School:

  •  Parents in K2 took turns to share nursery rhymes from around the world with the children in the classroom as part of their Nursery Rhyme curriculum.
  •  Parents in K1 helped their children to find toys typical from around the world to create a central display.
  • Parents in Y1 and Y3 came in to share stories in different languages as part of a story topic.
  • Parents in Y3 came in to run a Golden Time activity based on fun activities from around the world.

    These are small steps along a path of greater involvement.

    Our next step is finding parents willing to become Parent Language representatives for the school.  The first job for the representative is to host a Language Coffee Morning organised by the school to bring together families with the same language.  From here we hope to get a contact list of interested families and find ways the families can help each other and work with the school to support their children in maintaining their Home Languages. We have our first two coffee mornings coming up next week…

    Wednesday, October 27, 2010

    Advantages of Bilingualism reported by the BBC

    Increased ability to multitask and slowing down Alzheimer's are accredited here to bilingualism.


    EAL Myth or Truth?

    Patana Teachers Conference
    Working with our Secondary Home Language coordinator we presented an EAL Myth or Truth? session during a recent professional day at school. Myth or Truth is a great sorting activity for children and staff and certainly creates discussion. Our messages were simple; importance of supporting Mother Tongue, maintaining expectations for all learners, distinguishing BICS and CALPS and the need for all teachers to support additive bilingualism.

    Sunday, October 17, 2010

    A message from Stephen Krashen

    I have joined with several highly respected colleagues who have formed
    a company called DiversityLearningK12. The company will offer services
    in a number of areas, including:

     Second-language acquisition
     Bilingual teaching methods
     ELL program design
     Sheltered instruction
     Literacy and biliteracy
     Constructivist pedagogy
     Multicultural education
     Language proficiency and disability
     Parent involvement
     Media outreach
     Education policy

    DiversityLearningK12 will offer Consulting, Keynotes, Professional
    Development, and Media Training.

    Hall of Fame